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[Cob] Alternative Materials Justification

Feile Butler feile at
Tue Oct 7 09:44:05 CDT 2014

Hi Bill

This website has a large number of research papers on earth as a 
construction material. 
. You might find something here.

Also there are some national norms and codes which might prove helpful -

The Australian Earth Building Handbook

NZ97 New Zealand Standard - Engineering Design of Earht Buildings

NZ98 New Zealand Standard - Materials and Workmanship for Earth Buildings

NZ99 New Zealand Standard - Earth Buildings Not Requiring Specific Design


FĂ©ile Butler
MRIAI B.Arch Dip. Arch Conservation Grade III

Assigned Certifier - Accredited PSDP

Co-Director of Earth Buidling UK

Mud and Wood

Grange Beg, Skreen, Co. Sligo, Ireland

T:  +353 (0) 71 930 0488

M: +353 (0) 86 806 8382

E : feile at


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bill Wright, L.Ac., DNBAO" <bill at>
To: "Coblist" <coblist at>
Cc: "Pablo Loayza" <info at>
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2014 8:56 PM
Subject: [Cob] Alternative Materials Justification

> Hi All,
> The next phase of my building (sent link to pics
> previously), is to get its jacket on - lime stucco. My building is a
> simple, gable end round-wood timber framed structure, wrapped with
> bale-cob, and a cob wall. I met w/ the man who will help me apply the
> stucco, and for the gable ends; which are stick framed w/ 2"x6" DF
> standard lumber, his preference is to stucco over a light-clay/straw
> wall. I share his sensibilities, and have been envisioning the same
> thing all along. However, this is unorthodox to my local county's
> building codes to say the least!
> If I am to do this, and I would like
> to, I need to submit a form to my County's Building Dept., known as the,
> "Alternate Materials, or Methods of construction and/or Design Request".
> On the form it has a section called, "JUSTIFICATION", which reads,
> "Attach copies of any reference, test reports, expert opinions, etc...
> The Building Official may require that consultant be hired by the
> applicant to perform test, research and analysis and submit a full
> report of evaluation to the Building Division for consideration and
> approval".
> Anyone have references to, "test reports", "references",
> "expert opinions"?
> Thanks for being there...
> Bill
> -- 
> Bill
> Wright, L.Ac., DNBAO
> Wright Acupuncture and Massage
> 251 Auburn
> Ravine Rd., Ste. # 205
> Auburn, CA 95603
> 530-886-8927
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