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[Cob] Learn Rototiller cob

Henry Raduazo raduazo at
Fri Jul 31 17:29:16 CDT 2015

		Experience the art and science of making quality cob with a rototiller on the University of Maryland Campus.  Sessions will be held at the Arboretum Outreach Center, which exists only on some campus maps. The building has no exterior sign to give away its location to ordinary passers-by, but call me and I can tell you how to get there.
	Warning: The Evil Lord of Transportation Services and his minions require a $15.00 per day tribute for parking your car in an adjacent lot or anywhere on the University of Maryland Campus, but if you can devise some way to get there on a bicycle or public transportation, the work sessions are Free. Alternatively, meet me at my house very near Mount Vernon, VA and I will give you a ride.

DC Cob Inc. Ed Raduazo VP in charge of cob outreach. 703-360-2316

Sessions Start Tomorrow, Saturday, August 1st.