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[Cob] Cob Cottage - Bridge update

Gary gary at
Wed Apr 3 11:42:31 CDT 2019

I earlier sent an email blast regarding their 'go fund me' account to 
replace the bridge that washed out...a $30,000 endeavor which also means 
no courses until it's rebuilt (they're going with a railroad flatbed so 
it will last their lifetime).
Turns out 'go fund me' isn't a fit for folks who live outside the 
Corporate's an update from Tammy, who is assisting in 
coordinating all this.

UPDATE:  You know Ianto and not wanting to support the Corporate World - 
they have decided to take the 'go fund me' site down and asks for cards, 
letters, words of encouragement and your donation via check or cash to 
be send in snail-mail form payable to:
Chip Boggs
ATTN: Bridge Fund
PO Box 905
Coquille, OR  97423

Please take a moment to consider while you read this. It's enough of a 
hassle for many folks to take the 2 minutes to donate via Go Fund 
Me...takes some real thought and care to write a note, perhaps enclose a 
check, and tell them you appreciate all they're doing. Thanks to Ianto, 
Linda, Chip and Jennifer. (you can also visit the Cob Cottage . com site 
to read more information)

Thanks again Gary!  Couldn't agree with you more - these people are some 
of the few "originals" left that have lived their entire lives what they 

Tammy - online coordinations - director - director