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Kiko Denzer on Art

Cob: Cob insulation idea

Darel Henman henman at
Thu Dec 19 20:26:59 CST 2002

lightearth at wrote:
> .....(any non-treated kiln-dried lumber)set in the walls like Cordwood................

Kiln dried wood is not any better than natural dried wood, in fact less
so if you consider the environment, but the main thing is to have wood
at the right moisture content.   The coordwood people have this
information at their site.    If the wood is too dry it will suck in a
lot of water and expand and possible warp during a drying period for
thick wet renderings.  Might not be a problem for cordwood type walls
were theres always a mortar buffer.

Also depending on the wood it can bleed through and cause splotches on
the finish.   It could have a nice effect if the whole wall was like
this, but would look aweful if you wanted a different finish wall.  Let
us know about your experience here.

I'd like to know how long the earthen mortar will stick to the bare
butts of the 2x4's.  Rough cut the butts have enough roughness to key
into I bet.  I just wonder about durability.  Give us an  update every
six months or year if possible.
