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Cob: shuttered cob

Michael Grant tenortime at
Fri Jan 17 09:22:39 CST 2003

<html><div style='background-color:'><DIV>I would like to thank those who stick to the subject.  I have been on this list for a year or so and continue to read, hoping that something will be helpful.  Lend helpful information or shhhh.  </DIV>
<DIV>I was at first interested in rammed earth but no wthat i see this shuttered cob I like that.  Any good resources for that.  I live in rural North Carolina and we have some cold in the winter and a few snows.  What is a good guideline to know if cob is suitable for my area.  I  am also interested in konwing how to find suitable soil.  I have looked at a few books but did not find them detailed enough on this subject.  I am planning on undertaking this in a few months so I want to be prepared with the information.  </DIV>
<DIV>Thanks for the GOOOD information.</DIV></div><br clear=all><hr>Help STOP SPAM: Try the new MSN 8 and <a href="">get 2 months FREE*</a> </html>