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Cob: where in the US for cob

Yun Que yunk88 at
Fri Jan 24 20:41:34 CST 2003

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<P>Cat here,  Thank you, I have one on composting toilets and got one at the library about methane producing methods.  As intriguing as the natural gas sounded I figured I'd blow up the landscape and me with it.  At this point I put all horse, mine, and kitchen veg together and let it roast.  I do add some oak ash into it as well.  Sounds like a great add to my library!  Have you used any of the suggestions in the book if so, did they work for you? </P>
<P> In one of my cob designs I put a Indian as in India, toilet that went down into the barn.  The animals would be sheltered below the house, that way when I did stalls I would clean out the privy all together.   The idea was simplicity,efficiency and hygiene since stalls get cleaned every day ( an Indian toilet is just a hole in the floor one squats over).</P>
<P>fo<EM>r the good of all </EM>Cat<BR></P>
<DIV></DIV>>From: Leslie Harvey <LESLITAHAR at YAHOO.COM>
<DIV></DIV>>To: Yun Que <YUNK88 at HOTMAIL.COM>
<DIV></DIV>>Subject: Re: Cob: where in the US for cob 
<DIV></DIV>>Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 17:14:34 -0800 (PST) 
<DIV></DIV>>Hey Cat! 
<DIV></DIV>>I'm Leslie. Just wading through a mountain of old coblist postings and was reading this one of yours to Jill. When I read the below, I thought I'd drop you a line. Have you heard of the book Humanure by Joe Jenkins? You can get it the whole text online: 
<DIV></DIV>>Jenkins talks in detail about composting human "waste" (he doesn't think the word waste is accurate). 
<DIV></DIV>>Hope this is helpful. 
<DIV></DIV>> Yun Que <YUNK88 at HOTMAIL.COM>wrote: 
<DIV></DIV>>I got my place with an out house and since no mortgage no one bothered me. Composting toilet was my solution however it seemed to be allot of mess and maintenance and never quite worked the way the manual said, so now its a bucket the sun the wind and the rain. I am a vegetarian so my waste is less toxic than a carnivore, or so I have read. Found some great weeds that grow here that like the manure pile they call them Poke weed. 
<DIV></DIV>>"Though men now possess the power to dominate and exploit every corner of the natural world, nothing in that fact implies that they have the right or the need to do so." ----Edward Abbey 
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