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Cob: subscribe to cob newsletter?

Shannon C. Dealy dealy at
Wed Feb 19 12:24:52 CST 2003

On Wed, 19 Feb 2003, Jill hotmail wrote:

> How do we subscribe to the cob newsletter? I see, in the book, it says
> it is offered by the same people that host this discussion group. But I
> can't find the information on the web site. Please provide subscription
> information and fees. JIll

I am assuming you mean "The Cob Web" which is put out by Cob Cottage
Company, not quite the same people who host the coblist, they are friends
of mine and I run their web site, but we are separate entities.  To
subscribe to the Cob Web, see the order form on the Cob Cottage Company
web site:

It's $20 for two years, two issues per year, four issues total.

Shannon C. Dealy      |               DeaTech Research Inc.
dealy at     |          - Custom Software Development -
                      |    Embedded Systems, Real-time, Device Drivers
Phone: (800) 467-5820 | Networking, Scientific & Engineering Applications
   or: (541) 451-5177 |