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Cob: Washing Machines Overkill in the search dept.

Amanda Peck ap615 at
Fri Feb 21 20:32:19 CST 2003

Yep, two motors (probably, don't think they can be used at the same time)  
I've certainly used similar machines and like them quite a lot, because you 
can treat them the way you would an old wringer washer--do the hot water 
stuff first, spin-dry them, put the next load in, maybe top up the water a 
bit, run those while the first load is soaking in rinse water in a tub.  A 
lot of hands on work, though.  and neither the site you came up with nor the 
one I've spotted in the past mention anything about sine-wave forms.  which 
is why I didn't mention them earlier.  On the other hand, compared to the 
current generation of horizontal mount washing machines, these guys are 
cheap. Depending on what the freight is, of course.  And there are a couple 
of non-electric washing machines--a full sized one and a baby that I've 
burned myself pouring hot water into because it turned.

Speaking of wringer washers--this one can be bought powered by a gasoline 
engine--lawn mower type.  I'd hate to do it, though.

Lehman's used to carry the James washing machine--couldn't find it in a 
couple of pages of a google search.  The pressure kind that I do have isn't 
easy to come by any more, mine came from Jade Mountain--made in places like 
south Africa or Zaire.  I did come up with this little guy:

Danby makes a washer that is generally used in parts of the world where 
water is much more scarce.  It is known as a Twin Tub washer.  Here's a 

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