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Cob: cob and cordwood

andrea arnold yodasroom at
Fri Feb 28 13:32:18 CST 2003

the cob cottage co. (Ianto Evans, etc)worked w/ the
cordwood masonry co. ( on
making cobbed cordwood about two years ago.  You may
want to condsider it.  This means using cob instead of
cement with your cordwood.  Then the two will easily
blend together.   I am planning to build a cobbed
cordwood home myself, and have learned from Rob and
Jacki Roy that no one (that they've heard of)in the US
has built a house in this manner.  People have
experimented w/sections of wall and small sheds, but
not yet a whole house.  Anyway, maybe you want to try

If doing cordwood w/cement, contacts the experts at
the two companies named above for their input. I don't
know how easily they will blend or how to blend them. 
Secondly you mentioned doing the lower levels cordwood
and then cob on top.  Remember cob is very heavy.  I
don't know if a cordwood wall can support the weight
of a cob wall on top of it.  Again, contact the
experts and see what they say.  You might be better 
off doing cob on the lower level of the walls and then
cordwood for the top layers instead. 

 - andrea  

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