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Cob: enviroshake/rain collection

jenny walker jwalker at
Wed Apr 23 19:38:54 CDT 2003

Hi folks, if anyone is interested in what the enviroshake people have to 
say, here it is...

In response to your email.  I can not say that there is any off-gasses from
the product,  but what I can say is that the composition of tire rubber is
only 8%, of the actual shake.  I have had a lot of inquiries about the
effect of the sun on the product,, and of the sites that have been done, we
haven't experienced anything except discolouration in the water.   Usually
after 3 or 4 rains the water is back to its natural colour.  Quite a few of
our customers use rainbarrels to collect water, and we have not had any
complaints or any damage.

One of our customers is in Florida, and he hasnt had any problems, with his
flowers or vegetables.

If there is any thing else , please do not hesitate to contact me back.

Chris Jackson
Product Specialist
Wellington Polymer Technology Inc.

Phone: 519-380-9265
Fax: 519-380-0689
Tol Free: 866-423-3302

Jenny Walker
Freelance Graphic Designer
& Illustrator
jenny at

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<TITLE>enviroshake/rain collection</TITLE>
<TT>Hi folks, if anyone is interested in what the enviroshake people have to say, here it is...<BR>
In response to your email.  I can not say that there is any off-gasses from<BR>
the product,  but what I can say is that the composition of tire rubber is<BR>
only 8%, of the actual shake.  I have had a lot of inquiries about the<BR>
effect of the sun on the product,, and of the sites that have been done, we<BR>
haven't experienced anything except discolouration in the water.   Usually<BR>
after 3 or 4 rains the water is back to its natural colour.  Quite a few of<BR>
our customers use rainbarrels to collect water, and we have not had any<BR>
complaints or any damage.<BR>
One of our customers is in Florida, and he hasnt had any problems, with his<BR>
flowers or vegetables.<BR>
If there is any thing else , please do not hesitate to contact me back.<BR>
Chris Jackson<BR>
Product Specialist<BR>
Wellington Polymer Technology Inc.<BR>
Phone: 519-380-9265<BR>
Fax: 519-380-0689<BR>
Tol Free: 866-423-3302<BR>
Jenny Walker<BR>
Freelance Graphic Designer<BR>
& Illustrator<BR>
jenny at <BR>