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Cob: RE: CEBs

D.J. Henman henman at
Thu Jul 3 01:14:55 CDT 2003

I have read at one of the compressed earth block sites,  that the best
mortar to use is a slurry of the same material out of which the blocks
themselves are made.

As for thickness of the mortar layer I don't now, but I got the
impression that not much was needed using a slurry of the same materials
as the earth compressed block itself.

Do you know if semi-cured compressed earth blocks can be used, if you
only build a few feet a day or so?

Michael Fitzgerald wrote:

 >Darrel: I probably will be going with a standard store bought mortar 
for the first few projects. That way I can reduce what I learn by error 
and proceed with the trial part with more successes.