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Cob: New to this and still trying to find good clay soil

Ms Lynne Tolton ldtolton at
Wed Jul 9 10:53:17 CDT 2003

> everything else should have
> settled almost immediately).  Also, depending on the
> characteristics of
> your clay, I have heard of good cob mixes with as
> little as 7% clay
> content.

Hello all,

    I am new here and am working to make our first cob
project this year.  We are working on a bread oven and
trying to follow Kiko Denzlers book.

     I did dig a big hole in our yard but didn't find
much clay.  I did go out to our local guy who has dirt
to sell and I got 10 5-gallon buckets of it but when I
water tested it the water cleared right away.  I have
what looks like a 50:50 mix of silt and sand.  So now
I am trying to figure out how much of what I need to
add.  There have to be other folks out there who just
couldn't find clay heavy soils nearby.

     Does anyone have any suggestions??

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