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Kiko Denzer on Art

Cob: native american building book?

andrea arnold yodasroom at
Sat Jul 19 14:37:51 CDT 2003

...mud and man book..shipping....yes, but I think the
gentlemen we are all trying to help lives in Australia
so he can probably find the book locally or at least
without any overseas shipping costs.  

Unrelated, I remember awhile back there was some
discussion of a book called Native American
Architecture or something like that, which covered
natural/traditional building in the US.  Can anyone
refresh my memory on the title and author?  It sounded
really interesting but I've forgotten the

Also, I was looking up Athena and Bill Steen's website
(, and they have a really cool
sounding class called "artistry with clay and lime". 
Has anyone taken this workshop before?  If so I'd love
to hear more about it.  


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