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[Cob] Finish on a cob couch

D.J. Henman henman at
Thu Sep 25 21:54:07 CDT 2003

Be careful of the linseed oil.   Don't get the kind that has been 
processing and has had chemicals added to it.   Also the raw pure 
lineseed oil has to be heated before use, I believe I remember.   Please 
research this.   This would give you a earthen color wall.

Hemp oil is also a very good oil to us.   

But, lime is the traditional rendering for earthen walls.


Amanda Peck wonderse:

> Clay/sand?  Clay/sand/sawdust? Clay/sand/sawdust/lime putty?  The last 
> of those is what I'm chinking with (in approximately 3/7/3/1 
> ratio)--it comes out pretty smooth as you trowel-finish it.  Seal with 
> linseed oil (from your local hardware store)?  Don't know how long it 
> will take to dry before you can safely put a rug or a mattress on it 
> without getting mold everywhere.