Rethink Your Life!
Finance, health, lifestyle, environment, philosophy
The Work of Art and The Art of Work
Kiko Denzer on Art

[Cob] Cob:Washington DC

Raduazo at Raduazo at
Mon Oct 20 17:37:52 CDT 2003

        The schedule is set for next year, I will teaching a class on cob at 
Green Spring Gardens Park March 6 at around 9:00 AM and in the afternoon there 
will be a family fun class where adults and children will be able to make 
bird houses out of cob.  
       The children's play house is going a little slower than I expected, 
but I should finish the foundation tomorrow (Oct. 21) and start some serious 
cobbing.  Anyone interested in learning a little about stone working this is the 
last chance for a while. Give me a call if you are interested. Also give me a 
call if you would like to experience cobbing. I am doing most of the work 
during the week, but I may have to schedule a weekend session if I do not finish 
by November.
       Ed Raduazo 703-360-2316