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The Work of Art and The Art of Work
Kiko Denzer on Art

what's going on..... and bond beams

patrick newberry goshawk at
Thu Oct 3 06:05:11 CDT 1996

It got kind of quite out there so ....
It's been raining a week now and my earth plaster walls are still wet???

I am wondering when the best time to start a cob building would be??
here in georgia winters are wet and mild and summers are hot and dry.
Do they only build in summer most places with cob????

The bond beam, I heard one person mentioning a  cement bond beam.
regardless of cement or this the same thing as a  top plate in
straw bale????

If one is doing interior walls what kind of thickness is common. 
I'm thinking of about 20 inch thick exterior walls.

I have heard that straw is NOT a necessary ingredients. Any comments????