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ANNOUNCE - info session, Puget sound area

John Schinnerer JohnS at
Tue Apr 22 10:37:11 CDT 1997


For anyone in the Seattle/Puget sound area:

There will be an informational slide show on cob and straw bale bulding
this thursday, April 24th, at 7:00 pm in West Seattle.  Ianto Evans (Cob
Cottage Co.) and a Mr. Buchart (sp?), an area architect/alternative
builder, will be putting it on.  There will be a potluck before the
show, starting at 5:30.

The location is 3613 34th SW (in West Seattle).  Call Mike Lockman at
(206) 323-6567 for details and further information - this is all I know,
so please don't e-mail me... :-)

Sorry for the short notice - I just found out about it last night!

John Schinnerer