Rethink Your Life!
Finance, health, lifestyle, environment, philosophy
The Work of Art and The Art of Work
Kiko Denzer on Art

First posting

goshawk at goshawk at
Thu Jul 10 12:33:43 CDT 1997

> From:          "Mary A. Dodson" <mdods at>
> Subject:       First posting
> Reply-to:      coblist

Welcome to the list Mary,
What part of the world do you call home?

> The cob structures are so beautiful!  I have a question already, and hope
> it's not too primary for this list:

If you're afraid to ask questions, it makes it harder to learn.

> One gentleman talked about a concrete foundation.  If you went that route,
> would you put in traditional wood floor joists & subfloor?

The quick answer is yes,
The real answer is building is a mixture of science and art. One must 
learn the basic princples (the science) then apply one's imagination 
on top of this foundation. After all one doesn't want one's dream to 
crash before one's eyes.
 I'm actually trying to think of what I want for my floors as well. 
I'm still working on the foundation and walls. I'm just leaving the 
floor as dirt at  the moment. I thinking over the various options 
such as earthen, brick, wood and such but I'm not at the point where 
I am forced to make a decision. Well I'm actually working right now 
so I've got to get back to it..
again welcome to the list.
Mauk, Georgia

I just found out that on the other side of Mauk there is the Gaia 
Permaculture community. I mean we've been neighbors for 10 months and 
didn't know it.

> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Mary
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" Arther C Clarke