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Cob Earthbag help?

Rick Berry Rascall at
Sun Sep 21 18:28:29 CDT 1997

Cool pages on earthbag construction.

I have lots of questions about the construction methods used with earthbags,
and I'm wondering if there's an earthbag discussion list.
If not, who would you point me to to get info on this fascinating method?
I'd love to go out to Georgia sometime and visit the "Maukly Crew" 
and maybe even lend a hand or six.
I like the idea of the simplicity: dirt + geometry = house.
Give me a shove in the right direction, will you?
~Rick Berry 
mailto:rascall at
   Check out my Alternative Housebuilding Newcomer's Page
   "There's a HOUSE in my head, and I've gotta get it out!"