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Cob Re: Beyond cob...

Carol M. cllee at
Tue Dec 2 07:47:15 CST 1997

>  > Uh-oh... whether by accident or invention, your post went out to the list, I
> suspect you'll get some thoughts from people about what is and isn't appropriate.
> Smile!   :)   It'll do the list good to define itself a little bit. <

Well, nothing like letting one's bare rear end hang out in full view for all others to
see right off the bat, is there?  <sigh>  I owe Mr. Schinnerer a public apology and he
shall have it right here.  I am sorry my post was public - it clearly wasn't meant to
be - and never would have posted anything like that to the public.

> > Without wanting to sound like I'm being a weenie, I'd suggest asking listowner
> Shannon (that's your cue, coblist Kahuna) about what is and isn't appropriate. <

Being as this is my first newsgroup and I haven't a clue how to reach the listowner, I
don't know how to write Shannon.  Hopefully, there will be some guidance coming from
that direction soon.

> > Speaking personally, I'm enjoying the debate. Whether or not it's appropriate to
> the forum. <

Thank you.  I'm enjoying it also and hope it will be allowed to continue.  The more
voices heard, the better - from my point of view at least.

Carol M.
