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Cob: Re: outdoor plumbing

Mike Carter and Carol Cannon cobcrew at
Thu Jul 1 20:33:33 CDT 1999

Jeannie sez:
> The point is there are going to be some health risks no matter what we do
> where we live.

Having used a number of different sanitation facilities provided by our
hosts at cob job sites and workshops, I would hope that the following could
be avoided:

1)  No hot water or soap to wash hands with.
2)  No instructions as to what and how much material to add after use.
3)  Flies and maggots - I thought that this was not a problem with properly
working composting toilets due to heat, but many I have seen have them.
4)  Toilets next to food preparation areas with hands and dishes washed in
the same tub.

The concept of these alternative mechanisms is great - we have the Humanure
Handbook and agree with many of its points.  But proper care of the toilets
and waste is work and requires far more attention that I have seen it get by
We have made our own errors in this area - people DO get sick from this
