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Cob: Re: leichtlehmbau

Kelly, Sean SKelly at
Mon Aug 2 15:42:19 CDT 1999

Guenter, john and all other disciples of mud,

  Thanks fer the definitions...  Very interesting.  What is the measured
efficiency of this method Guenter?  Anyone's thoughts, concerns, or
questions (I got this part covered!) on using this as an insulating layer on
the outside of cob, and covered with earthen plaster (or wrapped in
something like burlap or feedsacks (as was suggested last week sometime)
before plastering?  Is the insulative value of this high enough to bother
with?  Looking to find a way to not build a second wall (you know, for all
my tenderness when the 2 wall w/ airspace thing was pointed out to be a dumb
idea, John, I must apologize.   You had an excellent point of why build 2
walls... So now I seek to build less wall).  Well, I'm gonna go check the
web for any info on the old "easy loam, light clay, straw building" ;-)
Have a fun day - hope it has cooled off where ever you are!


-----Original Message-----
>leichtlehmbau = straw earth building
>at least I think that's a fairly accurate translation

This is a modern development, to meet building standards in Germany in 
terms of energy efficiency. quite different to cob. There is not only straw 
in it:


leicht = light
lehm = clay
bau = build(ing)

For this technique earth is little more than a binding agent. It contains 
organic and mineral aggregates like a lot of straw and/or wood chaff to 
make it more energy efficient. 

Gunter, Germany