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Cob: Re Ag Resources

SANCO Enterprises <Paul & Mary Salas> chansey at
Mon Nov 15 00:24:45 CST 1999

List Members,

Agro-Tech Communications is an on-line magazine that deals strictly with
AG science and related natural resource utilization. The home page URL
is  with a focus on

The Future of Raw Material Procurement
Environmental Compliance Strategies
Rural Economic Development Initiatives
Sustainable Agricultural Advancements
Reduction of Dependence on Natural Resources

For this month's topics see
Ag Fiber Technology News is designed to complement the current research
and development community, whether it be USDA, university or private
sector initiatives.

Paul Salas
SANCO Enterprises, LLC
P.O. Box 45741
Rio Rancho, NM 87174
(505) 238-1485