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Cob: Thin cob walls- Fiber mesh embedded?

crtaylor tms at
Mon May 8 19:31:49 CDT 2000

Dear Mafi, and all, I have been playing with the idea of thin walls and
arching shapes using cob, but am no expert by any means.

What I did do a couple months back was buy a roll of natural fiber product
called Bio-Mat by Rolanka co in GA. its been used in the landscape trade
for erosion/hillside controll, and lasts 6-8 years in wet soil.

This is a big woven mesh of coconut husk fibers in a long roll 3.25 x 83'.
I am now draping this material over things ( like arched poles, or a
temporaty shell of chicken wire, and plastering it with a cob-like mud
plaster.  My idea is to create a hard, thin shell using this as a
structural armature, then coninue to cob or build to the thickness desired.
I guess it could also be called soft wattle and dayb..when the wattle reeds
are replaced by this fiber. Sort of a Yoda-like, freeform design

Now, in my imagination I see soaring thin arches, swooping walkway covers
and a very flowing organic feel, ocassionally braced with poles and
driftwood or the like.  This summer I will be attempting a small "hut" or
archway to will keep folks posted.

But it seems to me this natural fiber could be a strong flexible  inner
mesh for a thin wall.

Strawbalers were using it over bale walls, although this seems unnecessary.

Charmaine R. Taylor
Taylor Publishing 1-707-441-1632
PO Box 6985,Eureka CA 95502
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