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Cob: Fwd: cob insulation

Bob owl at
Thu Aug 24 13:55:42 CDT 2000

>Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 11:37:46 -0700
>To: owner-coblist at
>From: Bob <owl at>
>Subject: cob insulation
>Dear Russ,
>It is good you have initiated a discussion on cob and insulation that I hope 
>will arouse some serious experimentation. Last week I talked with a man who 
>has several decades of research experience with straw as a building 
>material.  He thought gypsum coated straw was a good combination.  
>What if you had a sandwich with gypsum coated straw in the middle of your 
>wall?  If the straw was not crushed you would have natural tubes for good 
>insulation.  The gypsum would keep the straw from rotting and discourage 
>rodents and other boring creatures, also make it fireproof.  It is low cost, 
>too.  This system would make the straw go farther because it would not be as 
>thick as a whole bale.
>Perhaps there should be some connection between the two slices of the 
>sandwich to strengthen the wall  but if each "slice" were over one foot 
>think and the walls were curved this would not be critical. 
>I would very much like to hear from people who have experience with straw 
>and gypsum, especially in connection with cob construction.