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Cob: Fw: Insulation

Sarah Kopp kopp at
Sun Aug 27 23:41:19 CDT 2000

Just for the record, I am not suggesting a straw cob sandwich - I think that
is overbuilding.  Just hypothesizing about the moisture transfer problems.

The original question was how to insulate cob so that it will perform
adequately for a climate with winters that hit -30.  Does anyone feel that
can be done?  Or is a different building material a better choice for

Tsfat, Israel

>To all,
>What Sarah has suggested about a sandwich of cob sounds to me like some of
>the brick I had been reading about - the two layers with a filling
between -
>and that it sounds as if the moisture itself from condensation would be
>away from the interior walls, solving the moisture, mildew problem I just
>wrote about.....
>However, given time constraints, it sounds as if it would be possible only
>if the actual time existed to double construct.
>ruanmackenzie at
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