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Cob: Cob Baths

caoimhin at caoimhin at
Wed Sep 20 16:04:21 CDT 2000

Would it be possible to seal a cob basin, sink, bath with enamel? If the mix
was strong enough hold water plus person (or two) would an enamel finish
attach itself firmly to to the side of the bath well enough to hold said
person or people.

It is worth experimenting with a sink. 

What do you think?

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<TITLE>Cob Baths</TITLE>
<FONT SIZE="2">Would it be possible to seal a cob basin, sink, bath with enamel? If the mix<BR>
was strong enough hold water plus person (or two) would an enamel finish<BR>
attach itself firmly to to the side of the bath well enough to hold said<BR>
person or people.<BR>
It is worth experimenting with a sink. <BR>
What do you think?<BR>