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Cob: Texas cob?

Sabrina L Acevedo sabdan at
Fri Oct 20 18:17:27 CDT 2000

Not only texas:
I am very interested in building with cob but am very serious about taking necessary precautions due to being subject to tornado hazard and indirect hurricane hazard. My son and I live in South Georgia apx. 55 miles NE of Tallahassee. Last weekend we
mixed a cob chinking mixture to seal our green house(4ml plastic and 2x4 w/corrugated roofing panel) we loved the malability and the lure of future success with this fabulous material as
a building material. we have access to bamboo and due to its linear strengh we are wondering if it would be posssible to reinforce interior frame w/bamboo and next question would be how to properely secure bamboo frame. Would this method (bamboo
frame) reduce hurricane/tornado damage, or hoppefully eliminate it.
Love to all
Luwan Acevedo

Stacy Waters wrote:

> I am interested in finding out for a friend of mine if there are any cob projects in Texas that are completed or presently underway. She is in the San Antonio area, but anywhere within a reasonable distance of there will do.
> Also, I have seen a lot of recent postings on earthquakes and cob, but does anyone out there have any info on how well cob stands up to hurricanes (assuming proper drainage) or what additional precautions need to be taken in hurricane-prone areas?
> Thanks,
> Stacy Waters
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