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Cob: Thermal Values of Cob

cw caoimhin at
Thu Nov 2 16:30:59 CST 2000

Thankyou for returning R and U values. A figure of 0.25 per square inch.
This means that cob is a poor insulater-about 2.5 times less than normel
sheeps wool or glass wool. Cob walls are, however, usually thicker than
orthodox wall so this probably evens it out. 

It is interesting to think in this way for a bit because 'scientists' and
'engineers' think this way and it is useful to understand some of their
language. My friend the structural engineer worked out a K value (Thermal
Conductivity value) from this R value for cob to be 0.1.  Not so good. K
ranges from 0.025 W/mK to 0.04 W/mK for normal insulation materials -the
lower the better - ie the less conductive of heat the better! He also asked
if there was a value for density (kg/m*3). The more values to work from the

On the subject of the eco village-we are updating our web site and I will
announce the site through the list.

Thank you 

Dublin, Ireland