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Cob: mixing cob/clay was: poor & new

dtebb dtebb at
Fri Oct 5 02:56:41 CDT 2001

>cob is actually 1/4 R per is mass not thermal.
>sound like she has "enough" as Joe Dominguez (your money or your life
>fame) said.
>Best bet for some heat is to make light straw clay or woodchip/sawdust
>clay tamped between forms, as Ken Kern promoted, and as the germans do
>nmow. This is my favorite technique in addtion to earth bag as just some
>mixing is done and the mix is poured and lightly tamped into place.

Hi Charmain,

Do you know what amount of R you get with a light straw clay wall? Have you
built a regular cob wall then, with forms, done a light clay wall on the
interior from floor to ceiling? How did you design the forms for all the
curves? How did the light clay stay up on the cob walls? any separation?

Ian Marcuse