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Kiko Denzer on Art

Cob: RE: RE: where to get clay and straw

Patrick Newberry PNewberry at
Tue Apr 16 07:51:58 CDT 2002

On my land (In middle Georgia, there is no clay). Even if you dig down 20 feet. We sit on this band of sand that 
passes thru the middle of Georgia. Actually it wasn't that bad, since there is Clay within a reasonable distance 
from my site, I have both hauled it via my old beat-up pickup truck and paid a for dump truck loads of of the stuff 
at about $60 a load which was maybe about 10 to 12 tons. (a local fellow with a small dump truck).

Since it's the smaller portion of the cob (sand and clay) mixture, I figured I was better off than pure clay on my 
land and having to haul in the sand portion.
