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Cob: rammed earth discussion forum

Matthew HALL(SED) M.Hall at
Thu Oct 17 13:49:59 CDT 2002

Calling all eco-builders and earth building enthusiasts...

There is a new discussion forum just like coblist that is dedicated to rammed earth construction. I
have made some great friends and contacts through coblist, and learnt a lot in the process. There
are not many members as yet but maybe some of you out there would consider taking a look and help
to get some interesting discussions going?

The address is:

You need to register, as with most things, but then you have access to a chat room, photo gallery
to share images, post room for mail discussions etc

Why not take a look?

Matthew Hall BSc (Hons) GradBEng

Centre for the Built Environment
Unit 9 Science Park
Sheffield Hallam University
Pond Street
Sheffield S1 1WB

Tel: +44 (0) 114 225 3200
Fax: +44 (0) 114 225 3206
E-mail: M.Hall at