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[Cob] Double walls

Buckaroo Bonzai tsuchimono at
Wed Apr 21 23:07:16 CDT 2004

  my tip to you for better performance is to just do a
single cob wall and put all the insulation on the
outside.  This would give the thermal capacity to
provide you a good comfort level and also the
insulation on the outside would keep the heat from
leaking out.

--- Jane Mondrup <jane at> wrote:
> Does anyone have any experience with double cob
> walls with insulation in between? We live in Denmark
> where the climate is rather cool, and massive cob
> walls will let out too much heat in the winter. So
> we're thinking about making the outside walls
> double, 10-15 inches each (the roof will carry
> itself), with recycled paper-insulation in the
> middle.
> Any tips?
> _______________

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