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[Cob] rocket stove-Ken Kern

dirtcheapbuilder-Charmaine Taylor tms at
Mon Nov 1 11:47:19 CST 2004

On Nov 1, 2004, at 7:06 AM, Amanda Peck wrote:

> Ken Kern designed masonry clad barrel stoves back before rocket 
> stoves.  Anybody know how well they've stood up?  I'm too lazy to fish 
> out the book right now, but I think his prototype was well over a 
> decade old when he wrote (Charmaine, can you put that back into your 
> catalog?).
> ............

Hi Amanda, all..I no longer carry that reprinted book.  But anyone can 
get it direct by calling Barbara Kern's daughter Heidi Kern Huebner  
who is now running the reprint business.    559-323-8559  PST     
CLovis CA

that book showed an egg shaped stove which formed the center of the  
house, much like Roy's  masonry stove.   Once the  ven/stove was shaped 
it was plastered over, and looked very cool and organic.

he also showed the barel stoves in that book too...but I dont remember 

The free standing  Barrel stove design ( not a rocket) is also seen in 
the John Vivian's book "Wood Heat", which is a great out of print info 
source. ( I try to keep some copies of it in stock)

Charmaine Taylor Publishing    books at
PO Box 375 Cutten CA  95534 USA  -- 707-441-1632  &
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