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[Cob] Wood Heat Question

Amanda Peck ap615 at
Sat Jan 1 10:09:16 CST 2005

Happy New Year Bill and Julie!  (and everybody else)

A single unit with a 30-gallon barrel might work.  I gather he's got a 
teensy space, and the 55-gallon jobs would take up way too much room

I'm wondering about makeup air for any combustion in a tiny space.  I put 
one of those concrete block sized vents in the (still unfinished!) barn.

Years ago a friend of mine made one (NOT starting with the kit) to heat his 
shop--basically a 2-car carport with a couple of metal sides (insulation? 
what's that?).  OK but not great in that case.  Plenty of fresh air around, 

Those kits are available around here at Tractor Supply.

Antiseize is good stuff.


Bill wrote (snipped)
This type is what is used alot in Northern
Minnesota,,,  I used one on a 30 gallon
barrel... work just fine.
Hint:  Use anti- seeze on the scews so
dis-assembly is easier... to use hardware
  on new barrel...

I also use the double barrel configuration.
It heated the whole house.