Rethink Your Life!
Finance, health, lifestyle, environment, philosophy
The Work of Art and The Art of Work
Kiko Denzer on Art

[Cob] Cobbale

Raduazo at Raduazo at
Sun May 8 20:35:27 CDT 2005

Garden Weekend      May  27-30  
PeaceWeaver Retreat  Sanctuary - Thunder Mountain , Bath NY
This is a great time to be at  Thunder Mountain, reconnect with one another,
enjoy Spring, get our hands in the  Earth, plant seeds, and continue to 
our vision and practice of  Peace.  Besides planting, we'll have a Square 
a Sweat Lodge, kids stuff,  etc.  We simply ask for $75 per adult, $25 for 
kids  13-17,
to help cover the cost of  food.  So we can order food for the weekend, we 
need all
reservations by May  13th.  The LongHouse is already booked - so only tenting 
is  available.  Please call us at 607-776-4060 or email _pw at peaceweavers.com_ 
(mailto:pw at  
to let us know if you will be  joining us!   

Spring Planting Square  Dance                     May 28
PeaceWeaver Retreat Sanctuary - Thunder  Mountain , Bath NY
Join us for a potluck dinner at 5:30 pm followed by a  rip-roaring, 
heel-kickin', old fashioned
Square Dance called by the inimitable Pat Kane, the  Balladeer of the 
Southern Tier!  We'll
be honoring Pat Kane for keeping Irish melodies alive  on in the Southern 
Tier for over 20 years
(and calling Square Dances here on Thunder Mountain for  10!).  Donation $10 
per adult.
RSVP 607-776-4060.


Building with Spirit ~ a Regional Natural Building  Colloquium       June 
25-July  2
PeaceWeaver Retreat Sanctuary - Thunder Mountain , Bath  NY
WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!   Could you help us get the word out about this amazing  
Could you put a fliers up in your local  area? or share this info with 
friends or the  local
environmental group? We  had over 80 participants last year, and we'd love to 
see more folks  join us this year 
for this one-of-a kind community experience which  is an eco-vacation and an  
experience in  Sustainability.  If you know someone who is passionate about  
the Earth, please share
this great opportunity with them!  Email  us if you want to help get the word 
Building with Spirit is a hands-on event with  an emphasis on natural building
in the northeastern climate. Join us  as we gather the foremost green 
designers and cutting edge presenters to explore new  and traditional

building systems through exciting workshops,  demonstrations and seminars.

Building with  Spirit 2005  Presenters: 
Deanne Bednar 
Dan Chiras 
Joyce Coppinger* 
Carol Crews  
Larry Brown 
Kiko Denzer*
Sam Droege 
David Eisenberg
Sarah  Highland
Pete Fust
Sigi Koko
Sun Ray Kelly* 
Tony Novelli
Joe Jenkins 
Tim Owen-Kennedy
Frank Meyer* 
Mark Lakeman 
Darren  Molnar-Port
Tom & Satomi Lander   
Ed Raduazo
Rob & Jaki Roy 
Andy Shapiro*
Clark  Sanders*   
Ben Simpson
Catherine Wanek
Laura Streumpler
Mark Piepkorn*
Sarah Machtey*
and more! 
*Invited, not confirmed

–Earthen  floors and plasters                
–Slate  roofing 
–Straw  clay infill                     
–Log  cabin construction         
–Dome  strawbale construction
–Solar  and wind energy                        
–Monolithic  stone raising                   
–International  green building
–Permaculture  and  more…

Registration  fees:          
    *   Adults $650 (18+)    $300 deposit  due with application  
    *   College Students $500    $300  deposit due with application  
    *   Youth $275   (5-17 must be accompanied by  adult)

Note:   Register early, as The 2004 NBC-E  was  a sold out event and
participation in the 2005 event is limited.  Visa/MC accepted.  Balance of  
registration fee due by June 25.
Deposit and Registration fees, less a $100  processing fee, may be refunded
until June 1, 2005. No refunds will be  given after this date. Presenters, 
workshops and presentations subject to  change.
Get your registration form at :  _www.peaceweavers.com_ 
Look for more information coming  soon!