Rethink Your Life!
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The Work of Art and The Art of Work
Kiko Denzer on Art

[Cob] Cob: Paper clay

karl and tabitha o'melay karl at
Tue May 17 23:54:45 CDT 2005

i'd really like to see the photos


Raduazo at wrote:

>The web page you mentioned does not give  much information. If you really 
>want to try this, the patent disclosure  (below) is much more helpful. This mix 
>is pretty much what I have been  using for the last several years as plaster 
>for cob houses and wattle and daub  birdhouses. I am not as fussy about blending 
>the paper fibers because I am not  going to fire the resulting product. My 
>system is to cut a barrel in half, put  screened clay into the barrel, add lots 
>of paper, and do jogging in place till  every thing is blended.  You get 
>pretty good at finding lumps of paper with  the soles of your feet after a while.  
>    My mix is two buckets of clay, one bucket of sand  and one large bag of 
>shredded paper. It takes about two or three buckets of  water to hydrate this. 
>Since the layers of paper cob stick together I am  attempting to use this as a 
>roof for a small building (Children's  playhouse)
>     I have pictures if anyone is interested.