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[Cob] Green insulation?

Anna Young avjyoung at
Sat Feb 18 10:56:56 CST 2006

Thanks very much for all the replies on green or not-so-green insulation! 
Lots of avenues for research there. Icynene doesn't sound like the wonder 
product it was making itself out to be, surprise surprise.

We would like to use something that is fairly native to our coastal BC site, 
instead of supporting high-energy mainstream building practices, so I am 
thinking wool, hemp batts, or straw with clay slip to fireproof. No idea how 
easy the first two will be to get hold of round here. Has anyone used the 
straw/clay for insulation packing? I am thinking of it for gable ends and 
roofs, packed between studs and rafters.
