Rethink Your Life!
Finance, health, lifestyle, environment, philosophy
The Work of Art and The Art of Work
Kiko Denzer on Art

[Cob] Your Contact Info

samantha at samantha at
Mon Mar 13 18:18:27 CST 2006


I'm updating my address book. Please take a moment to update me
with your latest contact info. Your information is stored in my
personal address book and will not be shared with anyone else.

Although I may not be actively in your life right now, the
world still runs on people knowing people, and I dont want to
forget about the people who have been in my life at one time or

Some background on me in the event you arent sure where we
met...Ran COSEIA for a few years, was Building Manager for SLCA
for a number of years, Active in CRES & Conferences for a few
years back, Active with PCA or ASC, run my own business(es)
Spatial Alchemy, LEED & sustainable design consulting, and Home
Options, LLC, a real estate investment company.  My prior life
I was at several architectural firms and graduated ARCE...

Thanks for taking the time to update me, not only on your
contact info, but on what's up in your life:)

Click the following link to correct or confirm your information:

Name: Coblist
Job Title: 
Work E-mail: coblist at
Work Phone: 
Work Fax: 
Work Address Line 1: 
Work Address Line 2: 
Work City, State, Zip: 
Mobile Phone: 

Home E-mail: 
Home Phone: 
Home Fax: 
Home Address Line 1: 
Home Address Line 2: 
Home City, State, Zip: 

P.S. I've included my current contact information below.  I've also attached a copy as a vCard.

 | samantha at
 | samantha at
 | Owner/Member
 | Spatial Alchemy or Home Options, LLC
 | 115 Upper Forest Rd
 | Idaho Springs, CO 80452
 | work: 303-567-1092
 | fax: 914-470-0552
 | mobile: upon request
 | im: MSN Messenger
 | web:

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