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[Cob] Foundations for stoves and interior cob walls

Anna Young avjyoung at
Wed Mar 22 11:48:02 CST 2006

Thanks for the feedback and information. I did mean an 8" deep foundation rather than 8', thanks Thad! We will have rebar in the cement as reinforcement, and are generally happy with the idea of the big concrete bond beam helping to hold the house together. I don't know what our earthquake zone is, but we are in Victoria, BC, on the edge of the San Juan Plate, which is overdue for a really big one and is very similar to the Sumatran plate that generated the Boxing Day tsunami. Plus we are at the top of a steep slope going down to the ocean.... Peace of mind is worth some extra cement, though I do hate the stuff and and am working to find ways of using less wherever possible. 

The interior wall is only half-height and is not much taller than the back of a cob couch, so I am thinking we will thin its foundation out a bit, but otherwise do it the same as the outside walls to avoid differential settling and cracking. 

Will keep you posted,
