Rethink Your Life!
Finance, health, lifestyle, environment, philosophy
The Work of Art and The Art of Work
Kiko Denzer on Art

[Cob] (no subject)

kolmi at kolmi at
Fri Mar 31 18:03:48 CST 2006

Cob Foundation Service Learning Weekend POSTPONED until 
April 7-9
Quail Springs Learning Oasis and Permaculture Farm
Upper Cuyama Valley (in Santa Barbara County)

No Cost, Food is potluck, Camping is provided
Contact: info at or 805-886-7239 for more 

We're postponing the Cob Foundation weekend until April 
7-9 due to
rain this weekend and on surrounding days.

It's likely to be more dry next weekend and consequently 
all around more
fun and easier for a group. Even if next weekend turns out 
to promise a
sprinkle here or there, we're going to keep the project 
going as we
don't have open weekends after that.

Let us know if you would like to come for the new dates.


Resident Caretaker
Quail Springs Learning Oasis and Permaculture Farm
info at


If April 7-9 doesn't work for you, and you specifically 
want to
experience/learn about the foundation building process, we 
may be able
to set up a visit at sometime after that weekend as there 
will be plenty of
finishing work to help with. Contact 
info at