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[Cob] Earthen plaster & CEILINGS

Samten Norbu earth2rodger at
Tue Jun 13 11:46:02 CDT 2006

hello all:)  Would you share some wisdom?...
  I'm plastering a standard stud wall and am going to try my hand at lathe and plaster.  I'm going to use standard 1/4 inch lathe, coat it with clay slip and do 2-3 coats of an earthen plaster.  Any general suggestions?
  More importantly...
  I'm also wanting to plaster the ceiling which is at an angle of about 12 degrees, and I am worried about how the plaster will hold on such an overhang.  
  Is it possible?
  Is lathe ok alone, or should I consider using stucco wire too?  
  The plaster will be a standard earthen plaster with straw and manure fibre, final layers will be limewash...
  Many many thanks,
  Rodger writing from Windhorse farm in Nova Scotia

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