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[Cob] living tree question

Leslie Moyer lesliemoyer at
Tue Dec 12 22:58:03 CST 2006

I don't remember which book, but I read a natural building book with a story
about someone who did this and the short version is that all the stumps
rotted very quickly and compromised the integrity of his structure within
just a couple of years.  Wish I could point you to the source, but I just
don't recall.


On 12/12/06, jimmy carlisle <nascarsix66 at> wrote:
> Okay, this may be way out there, I can't find anything close to it
> anywhere on the net, so this is a good place to ask it.  I have a area I
> want to build a cob home.  I also have a few very tall trees I don't want to
> cut and have to try and get the stumps out.  What would happen if I cut the
> trees about 8 ft. high, cut them even, and use them as corner posts for the
> roof?  Is this a very bad plan?  I thought of debarking them and puttting a
> coat of varnish on also.
>    Are they going to keep growning after I do this?  I thought it would
> look good and blend in well.
>     I welcome all comments...
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