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[Cob] roof first, roof second...posts?

Anna Young avjyoung at
Wed Jan 17 23:33:50 CST 2007

Late responding to this one; we are looking at this one too with our big 
cob/strawbale/timberframe house. What we are planning is to put the 
timberframe up with joists, bracing etc so it is stable, then cover over the 
roof area with heavy plastic and tarps on top to protect the plastic from UV 
damage. Guttering as well. Then we have a dry building area underneath, 
which is great as we are in a rainforest climate, plus when the cob gets 
uncomfortably close to the roof, we can peel back the tarps and work in 
between the joists. Then put the roof on. This also means we can spread out 
the time between the large $$ of the timberframe and the even larger $$ of 
the metal roof which works for our budget. Cob is not loadbearing in our 
design as we are going the permitted route....


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Patrick Newberry" <PNewberry at>
To: <coblist at>
Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 6:29 AM
Subject: RE: [Cob] roof first, roof second...posts?

I went with the roof first because I knew I would be building a a very
slow pace. (took several years). Of course living in a climate such as
middle Georgia gives us, not having walls was not too big a deal.

I used local timber as well to support the roof but did not remove them
but rather they are build into the house. We just build the cob wall up
to the roof.  One good thing is that since in most places they are
located such  they have proved useful for hanging stuff, nailing into


> My wife and I are deep in planning stages for our *huge* cob house
> Well, not that huge, but maybe bigger than some.  Anyway, we're trying
> decide about the roof.  Whether to build it first, and then build the
> up around it, or build the cob walls up and use them as the load
> part to hold the roof up.

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