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[Cob] Re:taking over tax payments and taking the land

David Boyer HasteinD at
Fri Jan 19 05:30:34 CST 2007


  My spousal unit and I had this option once: we were living in Reading, PA and our brother -in-laws mother was Alzheimers afflicted and had had no clue about the requirement to pay property taxes for about 3 yrs(she had trusted her daughter to handle finances- but the daughter pocketed the money and ended up in jail for elder abuse)... All we had to do was pay about $4000 back taxes to recieve the property (a working class industrial row house constructed in the 1910's)  . This house was 2 blocks from my worksite and looked real positive  option for all concerned-including the afflicted woman who had the option (and chosen/stated preference) to move into a subsidized  assisted living facility. 
  we chose not to take  the property/make payment because, on further research we found sub-Lumpenproletariat elements predominated (meth and heroin dealers and addicts) .Murders and assaults and all the plethora of capitalist society deindustrializing urban crime abounded nearby.....
   So, as far as we understand ethics and principled living, we would say go ahead and buy the property as long as the people who can no longer manage it have a real other option...
joanne and dave

David Boyer
HasteinD at
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