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[Cob] oiling cob

hms.mommy at hms.mommy at
Mon Feb 5 11:58:33 CST 2007

On Mon, 5 Feb 2007 09:05:04 EST Raduazo at writes:
Carie: most people use boiled linseed oil. It soaks in and it will

Thanks, Ed.

I guess I assumed that, other issues aside, there wouldn't be a
substantial difference in how much different oils soak in.  

I want to experiment with boiled linseed oil, but I've only seen it in 5
gallon barrels, and it has all kinds of warnings about spontaneous
combustion.  I only need a small amount for my experimenting, so I'd
rather not have to deal with storage issues for now.  

Anyone know if it comes in smaller containers?  Maybe the best thing is
to find someone who uses it and ask for some.  Who else uses it besides

T h e    r e v o l u t i o n    h a s     b e g u n.