Rethink Your Life!
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[Cob] Any cob oven bakers?

Jon Kerr jonskerr at
Sun Feb 11 16:15:17 CST 2007

On Feb 11, 2007, at 2:08 PM, Ron Becker wrote:

> I'm getting ready to start baking in my cob oven and would value  
> anyone's input on the use of steam in these ovens. How much water,  
> how long that sort of thing. Maybe this is too complicated but I  
> was thinking of a reservoir on the outside and small diameter pipe  
> to drip water onto the hearth during the baking process. Anyone  
> done anything like this. Or does the can with a hole in it do the  
> job well enough?
> Ron
> Those who question global warming have a financial or emotional  
> interest in the status quo.

According to the Kiko Denzer book, all you have to do is swab the  
inside of the oven with a wet sponge/mophead prior to putting the  
food. Certainly you wouldn't want to add in an extra hole in the  
oven. Since the entire oven is sealed when baking, it doesn't require  
much moisture.



Sic gorgeamus allos subjectatus nunc.
     --We gladly feast upon those who would subdue us.  (Addams  
Family Credo)     0~     <*>