Rethink Your Life!
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Kiko Denzer on Art

[Cob] north wall

Jon Kerr jonskerr at
Tue Feb 20 19:48:18 CST 2007

Regarding whether you should build the north wall of your house with  
straw bale or all cob.

It depends on the local climate, which was not mentioned in the  
original post. Here in Minnesota, you probably would (assuming we  
find some sort of cure for the global warming).  If you're in  
Colorado up in the mountains, also you'd probably want to. But if  
you're in Kansas probably not. If your area gets cold a lot during  
winter, it'd be a good idea to either use straw bale or maybe a cob  
outer and inner walls, with a layer of straw coated with clay slip in  
between. Ør other methods people are probably already typing. :D

good luck!
