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[Cob] cob and The Code

john fordice otherfish at
Wed May 2 00:14:22 CDT 2007

To all interested,
Why make a cob building code?

Simply put, it's because standard construction dominates and this needs to

In March of 2007 there were appx 1.5 MILLION new houses that started
construction.  That's 1.5 Millon (1,500,000) buildings being built using the
"normal" environmentally destructive method of construction.  This is a
situation that has been going on for far too long and will continue to
repeat if there is no other possible path to take.   Proprietary materials
and construction methods based on destructive and wasteful manufacturing and
fossil fuel consumption are the only option available now.  This has a major
negative impact on the world in which we live.

The opening of a pathway to sane construction possible thru the widespread
use of Cob could effect this.  But there is a MAJOR barrier to this, most
people live in areas that are subject to building codes.  It doesn't matter
if you personally like this or not, it IS the state of affairs in North
America.  Many, many, many people would like to build with cob, but they are
stopped even befoe they can start by the fact the there is almost no way to
obtain a building permit for a cob building.  Cob in it's current
nonrecognized building code status is kept from impacting this horrendous
situation.  How many cob houses were constructed in the entire last year?  I
have no idea, but will hazzard a guess that it's less than 100.  That's like
an ineffectual gnat on the butt of this huge dinosaur of standard
construction.  This is pathetic !!!  We can do better.

A Cob Building code would change all this.  Making cob legal will make it
possible for anyone who so desires to be able to build a cob building
anyplace they want.  It will then be possible for the folks who because of
their location or , psychic makeup, or whatever their unique circumstances
ane unable or unwilling to build outside the law.   Outlaw building is an
option for some people, but not for most.  This is why a cob code is so

Think of it.  If just 1% of housing starts were built with cob, that would
be 15,000 new cob houses every month.  Much better !!!

This is also why it is so important, as Carrie points out, to do it right.
To take chargeof the situation and develope a cob building code that is true
to cob and the potentials it can give us.

john fordice  

on 5/1/07 8:07 PM, paul at dotpaul at wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <hms.mommy at>
> To: <coblist at>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2007 9:55 PM
> Subject: Re: [Cob] cob and The Code
>> On Tue, 1 May 2007 17:56:33 -0400 Damon Howell
>> <dhowell at> writes:
>>> But it's funny and, of course ridiculous, that as Kindra points
>>> out the modern codes are requiring some sort of "new research" that
>>> legitimizes cob as a building material. They've lasted for hundreds
>>> of years in every climate around the world! What more evidence do
>>> you  need? Kat's got the best point I think I've ever heard; With every
>>> bad move our freedoms and self values are taken away from us and
>>> we're allowing it to happen (in fact want it to).>
>> It's very ridiculous to have to have a cob code.  We just have to
>> convince the people in authority over us that it's okay to let us do what
>> we want.  I have a friend who insists that he does not recognize anyone's
>> authority over him, except his church authorities.  That's fine, but when
>> he sets the cruise control for 100 mph, he gets speeding tickets the same
>> as the rest of us.
> I try not to drive 100.  140 seems to do the trick.
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