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[Cob] Coblist Digest, Vol 5, Issue 27

Jack Simmons ganesa_9 at
Wed May 2 08:52:36 CDT 2007

The only result I see for the "Codification" of Cob is...

You will be told the exact type of clay that is allowable, and in all probability will be required to purchase clay and "special" amendments to the clay from authorized dealers. This will be because the clay you dig from your land or other local source will be "contaminated" by biological agents that will of course cause structural weakness in the cob.

Straw for the cob will probably also have to purchased from authorized dealers too, so its moisture content and other factors can be closely monitored and regulated.

I'm fairly certain other manufactured amendments will be required as additions to your cob mix; maybe some kind of portland cement and fiberglass mixture, because ultimately you can't trust the structural integrity of straw/sand/clay. Oh yeah... where did you buy that sand, mister? And let's not forget the fire retardants that you will be required to add to your mix.

A whole new range of methods and materials for embedding electrical and plumbing elements in the cob structure will be manufactured and will be specified in the code too.

Yup, sounds like another $250K house going up to me!

The Senators that cancelled Habeas Corpus and installed totalitarianism in the once great USA:

Alexander, Allard, Allen, Bennett, Bond, Brownback, Bunning, Burns, Burr, Carper, Chambliss,Coburn, Cochran, Coleman, Collins, Cornyn, Craig, Crapo, DeMint,DeWine, Dole, Domenici, Ensign, Enzi, Frist, Graham, Grassley, Gregg, Hagel, Hatch, Hutchison, Inhofe, Isakson, Johnson, Kyl, Landrieu, Lautenberg, Lieberman, Lott, Lugar,Martinez, McCain, McConnell, Menendez, Murkowski,Nelson of Florida, Nelson of Nebraska, Pryor, Roberts, Rockefeller, Salazar, Santorum, Sessions, Shelby, Smith, Specter, Stabenow, Stevens, Sununu,Talent, Thomas, Thune, Vitter, Voinovich, Warner.

A patriot must be ready to defend his country against his government. - Edward Abbey.
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